Return Policy

To be eligible for a refund, products must be in a clean and resalable condition. Certain items specified below may not be returned once they have been opened.

  • Returns must be submitted within 14 days of the original purchase. 
  • Returns with valid proof of purchase will receive a refund based on the initial form of payment, such as the credit card used for the purchase or they can receive store credit if desired.
  • If your return is approved, then it can take up to 21 business days to receive credit. 
  • If the item has been used and shows any signs of use including, but not limited to, damage, scratches, dirt, removed packaging material we cannot accept a return. 
  • If the item has been washed or worn, we cannot accept a return.
  • If the item is missing tags and/or original packaging material, we cannot accept a return.
  • For football helmets, if any labels or stickers are removed along with any damages or scratches, the item cannot be returned. 
  • A 25% percent restocking fee will be charged. Buyer is responsible for shipping costs. 
  • Any compression shorts with or without a cup cannot be returned. 
  • Any garments or apparel with stains or marks cannot be returned.
  • All products must be returned in original resalable condition.
  • Items requiring repairs should be returned to the manufacturer or an authorized service center.
  • Team and Business sales are final once artwork is approved. These items are not eligible for refunds. 
  • Baseball/Softball Bats are only eligible for return if they have not been used. Our team will verify and make the final decision after the product is returned.
  • Baseball/Softball bats must be in their original plastic cover. If the plastic cover OR bat warranty label is removed, the item is not eligible for a refund or return.